
2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Aeroplane over the Sea

What have I told myself in the end of last year? Oh yeah, write more. Is it fine to start in the middle of a quarantine on a Thursday evening, in the midst of a worldwide epidemic? I can hear you say, well, go ahead. Because many of us, for the shortly foreseeable future, will be staying in our homes. Why? To hide from something we unintentionally created to haunt us.  It didn`t start so quickly I would like to say. But that wouldn´t be the complete truth. Two weeks ago, I could feel something was coming, and I had a pretty disturbing weekend with the thought of that. If my 2-weeks later self would go back in time, she would definitely warn me: There-will-be-no-toilette-papers-left! This is a small, dark comedic side of what has been happening in the last weeks all over the world. The horror that haunts us, a virus, that is spreading over all the continents, without discriminating anyone. No, this is not a cheap Hollywood movie script. This is a pandemic.  W...