
Aralık, 2015 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Consequences of turning to a new year

I liked to live the feelings with silence- she said. Though we spoke anything that comes to our minds some words, my darling are better to be lost, than found. It is the consequences of two questioning minds thinking back and forth, thinking anything that can ever be thought. Or the weather-that requires two to get warm. I like to live the feelings with silence that is something I have never done. Feeling the warmth of the drink we had, and talking about anything, to be true to ourselves- no matter what. For what is felt, should not be kept inside, living only the days, that is the count. ----- Viewing his chosen webside- he said; Let's do whatever we would do next year this time, I had the weirdest times this year Grown up to a totally different me than today. but still-even when the distance comes, I want to be the girl who likes to live the feelings with silence, who likes to feel  things even when they can't be seen. and i wish, oh yes i wish-...

Eksi dört

- I used to think that the same taste in music with someone should make you end up in a good relationship, no matter what the cause of the relationship is. It should make a coherence between two and more things to share in common. But, as the time passed, I understood that it takes a little more and a little less than that.  By the time, I learned that one can have the same tase with anyone, if  one is flexible to life that one is headed to. Being flexible is a good, because life always offers more than one side. Life has more than four letters, and it has endless ways to show that there are other people to care and love, other people to share your pain and eventually, understand you. well, at least some part of you that no one ever did.- Neler yazacaktım ben buraya? Hangi yollardan, hangi kaybolmuşluklardan gelmiştim. Hayat kuş bakışı bakınca kısacık, okyanustan bakınca çok uzundu. Bilemiyordun işte geleceğini, ama gelince bir kere, geçmişe selam çakıyordun, gelmez dedi...